The Evolution of Internet

Have you ever wondered where did the internet came from? Well I have some answers. Although it was challenging to create internet for computers scientist managed to be patient and not give up when things would not be successful. The invention of the internet took a long procedure of 40 years to accomplish.

Internet in 1962

The idea of internet started in 1962 when JCR Lick Lider proposed an idea of network that would help computers communicate with each other.

Internet in 1969

In 1969 something very important happened that helped develop internet! One computer sent a message to another computer through Arpanet the governments computer network at the time. UCLA sent the word "LOGIN" to Standford but Standford only recieved "LO". Although the outcome was not very successful scientist knew it was a start.

Internet in 1971

During 1971 in the University of Hawaii they started to get network. Also happening in 1971 Ray Tomlinson was developing the first software so that people were able to send mail to each other. That software is used till this day it is email.

Internet in 1971

Vinton Cerf who was a computer scientist who discovered a way of introducing computers to each other accross the globe. He used Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocal so that scientist sould communicate from accross the world.

Internet in 1991

Tim Berners made it accessible for anyone who owned a computer to use the internet.

The Evolution of Softwares