Untold Stories: Women In Computer Science

If your image of a programmer is a man, there is a good reason. It's true. Recently, many bigtech companys released how many female employees worked in programming and it wasn't great. Google had some of the highest rates, with only 17 percent of its technical staff identify as a female.

It wasn't always this way! Decades ago,it was women who pioneered computer programming --but too often, that's a part of history that even the smartest people don't know.

Ada Lovelace

At the age of 17,she developed plans for a machine that she believed would be able to do complex mathmatical calculations. When she published her ideas, Lovelace expressed a vision for his machine that," can do anything that can be noted logically ,like words, pictures and music, not just numbers." Although her machine was never built, Lovelace's notes were read by people buildinf the first computer of the century later.

Need to know more about her contribuations to modern computing? Check her out

Jean Bartik

Jean Bartik is another empowering women in computer science. She was one of the first programmers for ENIAC. She was one of the first people to learn how to calculating ballistic trajectories.

Barbara Liskov

Barbara Liskov is a computer scientist who is an institute professor at the Massachusetts Institue of Technology. Fun fact about her is that she graduated from UC Berkley and Standford.